Hong Kunnan's Project Portfolio Page
Project: MyMods
MyMods is a desktop mod tracking application used for tracking mods in NUS. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Added the ability to change themes of GUI.
- What it does: Allow user to switch between dark and light mode easily.
- Justification: The purpose of the dark and light mode is to let users use light mode in the day while dark mode at night so users can adapt to the lighting of day.
- Credits: {css file is adopted from AB3 from https://github.com/nus-cs2103-AY2021S1/tp wih light(newly created) and dark(modified) themed css file suited to our application}
- New Feature: Added autocomplete suggestions for command box
- What it does: Allow command box to suggest command types.
- Credits {Autocomplete is implemented from @Caleb Brinkman with modifications}
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Managed releases
(4 releases) on GitHub
- Managed releases
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Removed,
classes from original AB3. #43 #44 #237 - Updated the GUI color scheme, added option for user to switch between the two themes(Light and Dark) #76
- Added GUI box to display CAP #58
- Added command summary and hyperlinks to our User Guide in help window. #2258
- Added alert dialog to prompt confirmation to users for clear command #238
- Allow result display box to be resizable from the bottom
- Removed,
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Converted the collaborative document to markdown plus cosmetic tweaks (Refer to Reposense link for documentation)
- Contributed documentation to the features
and summary table, work is done on Google Document collaboratively.
- Developer Guide:
- Converted the collaborative document to markdown plus cosmetic tweaks (Refer to Reposense link for documentation)
- Contributed to Logic component section and Logic class diagram.
- Contributed to Dark/Light Mode implementation, sequence and activity diagram.
- User Guide:
- Community:
- Number of PRs reviewed (with trivial review comments): 42
- Reported 4 bugs and suggestions for other teams in PE-D